Friday, 9 July 2010

Ian Tomlinson - 500 Days of Injustice

On Friday 13 August, 500 days will have passed since the death of Ian Tomlinson during last year's G20 protests in London and yet the Director of Public Prosecutions Keir Starmer has still failed to announce a decision about whether to bring charges against police officers involved in his death.

This continued and unacceptable delay has left the Tomlinson family in a legal limbo, worried that speaking out and demanding answers may be used to blame them for jeopardising the prospects of a fair trial. Whilst other aspects of the protests around the Bank of England and at Bishopsgate on 1 April 2009 have been the subject of reports, investigations and pledges to change the way that public order situations are policed, the DPP's failure to make a decision also means that Ian Tomlinson's death appears to have been all but forgotten about.

So on 13 August, I'd really like you to take action. There are a number of things you can do:

If you are a blogger or journalist - please write about Ian's death, about how his family are still awaiting justice and about how 500 days is far too long for the DPP to sit on a decision to prosecute or not. You can find background information about the case at:

And feel free to use the badge on the right - you can download it from here.

If you use Twitter - let's see if we can make sure that both #iantomlinson and #500days are trending, leading up to 13 August and on the day itself.

Please send letters to the press demanding that Starmer stops stalling:

The Guardian
The Independent
The Times
The Daily Telegraph
The Observer (subject field of email should say “Letter to the Editor”)
Daily Mail
Mail On Sunday
Daily Express
Financial Times
The Sun
The Mirror
News of the World
The Morning Star

Send messages of protest to the Crown Prosecution Service on 13 August via its online feedback form

What happens if a decision is announced before 13 August?

Then so much the better - it's not as though a few days short of 500 isn't bad enough already. The whole point is to apply some pressure, to try and remind those in power that Ian Tomlinson's death at the hands of the police it not a footnote and has not been forgotten.

OK, that's it. I hope you can help.

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