Friday, 12 August 2005

Opportunities to question developers and council about Queens Market

Thursday 15 September and Tuesday 20th September, 6.30pm, Forest Gate

St Modwens, the proposed developers of Upton Park's Queens Market, will be speaking at the steering group of the Green Street Community Forum at 6.30pm on
Thursday 15th September at Katherine Road Community Centre, 254 Katherine Road, Forest Gate E7 8PN.

Steering Group meetings are open to the public so anyone who wants to come along and ask Asda's favourite developer about their plans for the market are most welcome.

There is also the chance to question Cllr June Leitch, who is pushing the development on behalf of Newham Council, at a Forum public meeting on
Tuesday 20th September at 6.30pm. This meeting is also at Katherine Road Community Centre.

Thursday, 4 August 2005

Public Meeting against September's ExCel Arms Fair

Monday 5 September, 7pm, Stratford

Newham Opposition to War and Racism is organising a public meeting on Monday 5 September against the world's largest arms fair that will be held in Newham in September.

DSEi (Defence Systems and Equipment International)
is the world’s biggest weapons fair, selling everything from battleships and attack helicopters to cluster bombs and machine guns. This year it runs from 13-16 September at the ExCeL Centre in Custom House. Representatives from countries including Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the US, Colombia, China and Russia will be buying and selling weapons, products and services used for repression and terror, in a borough where refugees from all over the world live in exile from armed conflicts that kill around 35 people every hour. Arms sales increase the likelihood of fighting and prolong conflicts once they begin and sales of small arms, the weapons that produce actual mass destruction, kill more than 500,000 people every year.

Monday 5 September, 7pm - 9pm

St Francis of Assisi RC Church, Grove Cresent Rd, Stratford E15

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