Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Fatal Shooting in Forest Gate

Welcome home - this is just around the corner from my flat. From the Press Association:

Detectives have launched a murder inquiry after a man was fatally shot in the chest during a street fight in east London.

Police and paramedics were called to Whyteville House, Forest Gate, shortly after 1am on Tuesday, when residents heard gunfire.

They discovered a young man, believed to be in his early 20s, on a first floor landing with a gunshot wound to the abdomen.

He was taken to the Royal London Hospital by ambulance but was pronounced dead about three hours later.

Detective Inspector Mark Dunne said the man was shot when a fight that began on the forecourt of a disused garage continued inside the building.

He said: "We are particularly keen to hear from anyone who left Whyteville House immediately after the incident and walked down Studley Road towards Green Lane."

Five men in their 20s were arrested in surrounding streets. They all remained in custody at separate east London police stations.

Whyteville House, in Studley Road, off Upton Lane, is mainly made up of local authority and housing trust properties.

The spokesman added that a post-mortem examination will be held at Poplar Mortuary on Thursday.

Officers from Scotland Yard's Trident unit, which specialises in probing shootings, are responsible for the inquiry.

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