Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Change We (No Longer) See

The Labour Party has set up a page on its website called Change We See, asking for supporters to upload photos its "historic achievements" since 1997 - mainly buildings, by the look of the contributions so far.

However, it has been precisely the oppressive use of stop & search powers under section 44 of the Terrorism Act against photographers taking pictures of buildings that has proved so controversial recently. Nobody can accuse the Labour Party of lacking a sense of humour I suppose, but in the wake of recent protests, others have rather different ideas about the draconian 'achievements' of the Labour government.

Photographers have been mischievously attempting to upload photos of their stop & search record forms to Labour's 'Change We See' Flickr group pool. The Party has responded by locking down any discussion and removing some images, although at the moment it seems to be struggling to keep up.

Expect a flood after the unpaid interns at Labour HQ have gone home for the night - and a well deserved lesson for deeply unpopular political parties on the dangers of crowd sourcing.

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