Sunday, 24 January 2010

Mass Gathering Demands Right To Take Photos Without Harassment

Like thousands of other photographers, both amateur and professional, I attending yesterday's mass photo gathering in Trafalgar Square, organised by I’m a Photographer, Not a Terrorist!

It was cold, it was distinctly weird at times and there was one idiotic Police Community Support Officer harassing a young woman, in an attempt apparently to issue a fixed penalty notice, who found himself the subject of many hundreds of photos. At first I thought it was a stunt but Cilius, inevitably, was straight in there, remonstrating with the 'plastic policeman'. Here are a couple of my photos from the day - more are here:

There is a pooled Flickr group with many more photos here and a good piece on Sky News:

1 Comment:

HarpyMarx said...

Great pix Kevin, interesting piece from Sky News as well.

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