Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Prosecutions Over April's G20 Protests - Update

With almost no press coverage, the prosecutions of over 20 people for the G20 demonstrations in London on April 1st and 2nd continue, despite the outcry over police behaviour on the day. These cases will not come to trial until next year, so there is still time to help see that justice is really done.

As always, many cases are simply lies and distortion by the police but some revolve around people acting in defence of other people who they didn’t know or are not in contact with. It’s not possible to list all the times and locations involved but anyone who saw police violence may be key to preventing a miscarriage of justice.

If you are a potential witness, especially if you have film footage, you should contact

Liam Pollard
Bindman’s Solicitors
275 Gray's Inn Road
London WC1X 8QB

DX: 37904 King's Cross
Tel: 020 7833 4433
Fax: 020 7837 9792

Email: info@bindmans.com
Web: www.bindmans.com

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