Friday 20 November 2009

No Response To FoI Request on G20 Protest

Sadly, there has been no response yet from the Metropolitan Police to my Freedom of Information request, which they have failed to address "within the statutory timescale of 20 working days". This ran out yesterday.

I have had a reply from the Public Access Office to a reminder e-mail, promising I will be contacted by the Information Manager, and plan to give them until Tuesday to explain what the problem is. If I still hear nothing, does anyone have any suggestions?

A reminder that the FOI request reads as follows:

I would like to see copies of any briefings, notes, e-mails or letters prepared by Metropolitan Police Press officers that were produced between 26th March and 8th April 2009 concerning the G20 protests on 1st April.

This includes any memos, papers, emails, minutes or documents held by the Metropolitan Police Press Office relating to either the 1st April 2009 demonstrations at the Bank of England and at Bishopsgate or concerning Ian Tomlinson’s death. This includes any communications between Metropolitan Police Press Office and the Public Order Unit, the Counter Terrorism Command, members of the MPS Management Board, the Home Office and the IPCC on this subject.

UPDATE: 4.52pm - an e-mail from the Met

To let you know, I am currently acting as Information Manager for your FOIA enquiry 2009100005134.

Firstly, apologies for the slow progress on this particular request; I'm aware we have exceeded the 20 day time limit and hope you'll bear with us.

My colleagues and I are still working to identify all the information relevant to your request, and I hope to be providing a response as soon as possible.

I'll be in touch again next week to inform you of progress. If you have any enquiries in the meantime, feel free to email me.


Mike McGuill | Directorate of Public Affairs | Metropolitan Police Service

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