A Couple of Hours at Whitechapel Gallery
I was over in Whitechapel yesterday, too embarrassed to turn up more than an hour late for the Climate Camp meeting at the Rag Factory off of Brick Lane and too frazzled by the novelty of a hot August afternoon to cycle any further east towards home. So I popped into the recently expanded Whitechapel Gallery, which I used to visit regularly many years ago, back when the London Metropolitan University up the road was still the City Polytechnic. And what a surprise its cool, calming galleries turned out to be: no pretentious conceptual art, just paintings, some abstract but mainly figurative, from the long-running East End Academy exhibition and from the American artist Elizabeth Peyton.Walking into the ground floor gallery, the first painting you see is Andy Harper’s ‘Feast of Skulls’ (above), a mass of black, pink and red that looks like fractal from a distance but is a mass of intricate detail of hundred of flowers. My other favourites included Guy Allott’s landscapes framed by a hole seemingly blasted through a tree, and Emily Wolfe’s almost photo-quality paintings of everyday household objects.

Oh yes, I really like Whitechapel Gallery they have some fantastic exhibitions, and I agree re conceptual art...and some installation art.
I saw Nan Goldin's excellent Devil's Playground exhibition a couple of years ago there. Truly amazing.
I agree, some installations are great.
I wandered into the Tate Modern about three or four years ago when Rachel Whiteread had her 'Embankment' installation in the Turbine Hall - the one with all the white cubes. I remember thinking, yeah right, it's a bunch of white cubes, but when I walked through it, it was... magical.
There was a kid, maybe six or seven years old, who was there with his parents and I heard him say, "it's like walking on an iceberg..." And I thought, you know what? He's exactly right. Who needs art critics with insight like that?
Indeed who does need art critics....
Think I have a love/hate relationship with conceptual art/installation art as I worked in an art and design college for over 7 years...and art and design students can really drive you up the wall.
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