Thursday 25 April 2013

Launch of New Local Activists' Network "The People's Republic of Newham"

I am one of those who has long felt that local campaigners would really benefit from closer cooperation, so I'm pleased to be part of the launch of "The People's Republic of Newham", a network of local independent activists who want to try and help and support community campaigns by sharing the wealth of knowledge, skills and experience in the borough.

Local communities are increasingly required to using campaigning tactics to defend services, resources and rights in the face of indifference from largely unaccountable local institutions.There is also an urgent need for local campaigns to support and learn from each other. The "People's Republic of Newham" is an attempt to bring together campaigners and look at mutual support and skill-sharing. It currently organising on Facebook but if there is enough interest, it can expand to an email group and meetings, depending on what members feel is most helpful.

Let's see. Meanwhile, please invite other local activists you know and who you think should be part of the network to get in touch. You can find the page at

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