The Random Blowe Festive Christmas Card
A very happy Christmas to my friends in Newham, Hackney, Leyton, Haringey, Brighton, Leamington Spa, Birmingham, Cardiff, Cornwall, Goa, Chiang Mai, Basle, New Orleans, New York - too many to name in person - and to everyone who took the time to read this blog during 2011.
Next year, the area where I live will be crawling with armed police. It'll be our job to keep an eye on the buggers.
Have you seen the recent article in the Newham Recorder?
It says 140 officers swooped down off Romford Road. They only managed to catch 13 illegal immigrants and reported 10 people for TAX!!!!
This is a bit of joke right? 140 officers??? Is this a gross waste of police time?
ZERO burglars caught!
ZERO muggers caught!
ZERO drug dealers caught!
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