Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Olympic Organisers Seeks Ownership Of Entire Year

The full extent of the sweeping powers handed to next year's Olympic organisers under the Olympic Symbol (Protection) Act 1995 have taken a turn towards the bizarre with this story in today's Independent:

The overseers of the London 2012 Olympics are hinting at legal action against an events company after objecting to their use of next year's date, "2012", in the name of a forthcoming series of events celebrating British culture.

The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games (Locog) is objecting against plans to trademark the name of the forthcoming "Great Exhibition 2012", a series of nationwide initiatives culminating with a two-week festival planned for next August.

Locog has given the exhibition's organisers, the Great Exhibitions Company, until 27 June to withdraw their application or potentially face legal proceedings. They particularly object to the use of "2012" in the event's name, as they consider that date is now widely used to refer to next year's Games.

"I just feel generally upset, as all I am asking for is the right for people to celebrate," said the Great Exhibition Company's chief executive Julie Benson. "At the moment the country next year is a jigsaw and the only bit that is coloured in is London. I just want to go about my business and the law just seems so draconian".

Madness, right? Lets take a look at who else might fall victim to Locog's attempt to claim absolute ownership of an entire year. There's the London International Ska Festival 2012 and the British Science Festival 2012, for instance. The Big Tent Festival 2012 had better watch its step, as should the High Tide Festival 2012. It's ludicrous of course - there's no way that Games organisers can possible stop hundreds of events with no apparent links to the Olympics mentioning 2012 during... 2012. And if they do happen to mention 'Cultural Olympiad values', like the Earth Festival 2012, does this imply that it was necessary to seek prior permission from officious Locog bureaucrats?

The only saving grace I can foresee is the temporary withdrawal of this particular cinematic atrocity and legal action against a load of New Age conspiracy theorists. Plans next year to rename this blog 'Random Blowe 2012' just to irritate the buggers are, I'm sure, entirely unfounded.


RooftopJaxx said...

What's so bizarre exactly? The 'Five Ring Circus' does this everywhere it goes (and then moves on to victims afresh), Just look back to the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics, etc. Did you really not know?

Anonymous said...

They are quite toothless in reality. I complained to LOCOG about the fact that our great leader had been referred to as the "Olympic" mayor on the council's web based propaganda... no-one got back to me.

I did hear a rumour that Building 1000 was to be renamed Building 2012 and his lordship is to be given the title "Legacy Mayor of Newham".

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