Saturday, 19 March 2011

Newham Bookshop Presents: Mark Thomas - Extreme Ramblings

On 19 April, comedian and activist Mark Thomas joins Newham Bookshop to launch his book Extreme Ramblings at Stratford Circus. During 2010 Mark decided to go rambling in the Middle East and walked the entire length of the Israeli Separation Barrier, crossing between the Israeli and the Palestinian side. This is the story of 300,000 settlers, a 750 km wall, six arrests, one stoning, too much hummus and one simple question: can you ever get away from it all with a good walk?

Tuesday 19 April
Stratford Circus
Theatre Square,
Stratford E15 1BX

The event starts at 7.30 pm. Tickets are pricey (£16) but includes a copy of the book. They are available from Stratford Circus - telephone 0844 357 2625. Here's more from Mark on Radio 4's Loose Ends:

1 Comment:

romanticanarchist said...

Who says education can't be fun? I saw Mark's show last month in Cambridge and it was definitely both. The best way we can show solidarity with the people of Gaza right now is to turn up to the anti-cuts demonstration on Saturday and really make our presence felt. This will mean avoiding being drawn into the morbid spectacle that is currently being planned by the TUC and the SWP and using our collective imagination on the streets of a land which belongs to us. See you there.

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