Friday, 11 February 2011

Thinking Allowed - Effective Protesting

Although I'm an atheist, I was invited to take part in this interesting debate on effective protesting organised by Thinking Allowed, the monthly faith-based discussion group in Newham.

I would have loved to have attended but unfortunately I'll have just been discharged from hospital and can't make it. However, if anyone is interested, it takes place on Sunday 20 February at 7.30pm at Woodgrange Baptist Church, 345 Romford Road, Forest Gate and includes contributions from London Citizens and my neighbour Chris Gwyntopher from East London Against Arms Fairs (ELAAF).


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

London Citizens ? Kevin , are they not one of the groups that David Cameron wants to give more money to ? While he is giving less to just about everyone else ?

Kevin said...

It would be idiotic to assume that this post implies support for London Citizens or any other speaker, any more than it endorses the religious beliefs of the organisers.

But then, idiocy is something that you really struggle with, isn't it 'anonymous'?

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