Friday, 4 February 2011

Remember Ian Tomlinson This Sunday

The G20 protests of April 2009 have now largely been forgotten and after a brief wave of anger about his death, it seems that so too has Ian Tomlinson, the newspaper vendor who collapsed and died on his way home from work after a violent assault by a Metropolitan police riot officer.

But two years on, with his inquest approaching in March, Ian's family continue to live with the aftermath of death and on Monday they would have would have been celebrating his 49th birthday. On Sunday at 1pm, they plan to lay flowers at the spot where he died on Cornhill in London EC3 and are asking friends and supporters to come along and join in paying their respects.

Sunday 6th February
Cornhill, London EC3, 1pm

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1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Would love to go but have a sore throat and a croaky voice... (it sounds even more B'ham now!!)

I will be thinking of the family at the time, hope there is a good turnout.

Btw quoted your post here on my blog.

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