Sunday, 6 February 2011

Pictures From Today's Gathering For Ian Tomlinson

This afternoon, the family of Ian Tomlinson, the newspaper seller who died after being stuck by a police officer whilst passing by the G20 protests in the City of London on 1 April 2009, gathered at the spot on Cornhill where he collapsed. They left flowers and a poem to mark what would have been Ian's 49th birthday tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Nice pictures of today's gathering. The family of Ian are clearly still having a tough time of things, it's written on all their faces.

So sad the 'system' continues to protect itself and in doing so prolong this families suffering.

Solidarity to the Tomlinsons may they find strength in the huge and continued public support for justice in this case.

bird man said...

Dear Random Blowe - I see my comment has been removed, even though it is not abusive, off topic or any of the other things you name as reasons for removal. It would seem you prevent free speech as much as those you frequently criticise.

You might not like my opinions but look at the facts and you will see I have a point.

Rick Dutton said...

Well done to the Tomlinson family, as usual they've conducted themselves with total dignity.

In the coming months they will need as much support as they can get, hopefully all those who have supported them previously will rally round and continue to give them the strength to get through the inquest.

Anonymous said...

The police across the world are being used as weapons of war by the global elite against the people and in the USA we have many recorded incidents of police killing civilians execution style as was the case with Oscar Grant.

In the UK we have the case of Ian Tomlinson’s death who was murdered by a policeman for being in the wrong place at the wrong time but with the elite owning the justice system lock stock and barrel many of the perpetrators of these crime against “We the people” are allowed to walk away scotch free by the courts and that’s if the case makes it to court.

Hollie Greig, who is a downs syndrome girl was systematically raped whilst under the protection of the British establishment charged with protecting a vulnerable child.

Hollie’s mother Mrs Ann Greig would like to see some justice for member of the establishment, who through their positions were given access to this little girl and abused her as their own personal little sexual play toy. The reason Mrs Greig has never had the opportunity to have her day in court is because the accused paedophiles include British lawyers, police and a local High Sheriff.

Various request under the freedom of information act (FOA) have been ignored and several people including her mother and Mr Robert Green have been silenced using gag orders including the BBC’s Panorama documentary channel in an effort to keep the story out of the public domain and the establishments have even gone so far as to make legal threats against Google.

This fight to bring justice for Hollie has been raging for several years and despite millions of people knowing about the case, it still seems that the British justice system is unable to live up to its name Mr Cameron is hereby put on notice that ‘we the people’ demand this case should go to trial in open court where both sides may present their case.

Time we took to the streets and took back our freedoms and the corrupt justice system because it is clear to a blind man that the game is rigged and the elite will stop at nothing because we are not worthy to be in there presents.

Random Blowe | Original articles licensed under a Creative Commons License.