Wednesday, 10 November 2010

The Start Of Something Big?

Kudos to Spanish newspaper El Pais for photograph of the day from the national student protest at the Tories' Millbank headquarters. More great pictures here.


criticalbill said...

nah, this is the best photo of the day

but cheers for the link

Anonymous said...

Fantastic photos! Shame I couldn't go, great day for dynamic pix (weather was very good)... trust students to have a demo on a week day ;)

I just hope the students who have been arrested will get support and that there's a defence campaign organised... tho' if it was left to NUS bureaucrat Aaron Porter... he'd leave them in jail....

Anonymous said...

On TV I saw some idiot throw a metal fire extinguisher off a building and it could have killed people below....

Kevin said...


I saw that too - and even if it was accidentally dropped, the person waving it around was a complete moron.

But the reaction from the crowd, who all shouted 'stopping throwing shit', sums up their attitude to this dangerous, stupid and thoughtless action. Focusing on one dumb fuckwit, however, seems to me to miss the bigger picture - which is that the Millbank protest was brilliant and long overdue.

By the way, the lack of police outside of Tory HQ does seem rather suspicious. Were the Met were sending a message to the government about the impact of cuts in police budgets?

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