Wednesday, 20 October 2010

PVE In Newham - Where Has The Money Gone?

On 4 November at one of the community centres run by the charity I work for, a Muslim community-based network called Islamic Circles has organised a Question Time time event entitled PVE in Newham - £2 million missing & unaccounted for?

Islamic Circles has invited two Minsters, Baroness Warsi and Andrew Stunell from the Department for Communities and Local Government, to discuss what happened to nearly £2 million of public money given to Newham council under the Prevent and CONTEST programmes to tackle "violent extremism". The group makes this extraordinary allegation:

There is now growing evidence from individual public investigations of rampant corruption within the Council and their wonderfully transparent and accountable decision makers. Examples of excellent usage of money to prevent acts of terrorism include:
  • Employing relatives of councillors to attend "English language classes".

  • So-called "advisory" consultancy payments for former spooks and Met Police officers which bill into the thousands.

  • Instead of English and Maths, we have undue patronising focus on "GCSE Islamic Studies"

Every Newham councillor - plus the Dear Leader Sir Robin Wales - has been invited to attend, although the chances of any of them turning up are practically zero.

However, the event is open to the public, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, from 6.45 to 8.30 on Thursday 4th November at the Froud Centre, 1 Toronto Avenue, off Romford Road, London, E12 5JF.

It should be a fascinating evening!

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