Thursday, 7 October 2010

Continuing Adventures Under The Knife

I guess I'll blame this oversight on how busy it has been recently but I had an e-mail on Tuesday that asked, "should we take the silence on your blog about your latest trip to the Royal London as good news about your shoulder?" Of course, I mentioned here that the appointment last Monday was a crunch one and even who I bumped into in the waiting room, but not the outcome. It's the memory that starts to go first...

The news isn't exactly great. The last two rounds of surgery didn't completely fix the serious damage to my shoulder, which was worse than I realised. I finally saw the x-ray taken on my first morning in hospital back in March and it was sobering moment. So I need another operation, a final fix, which will involve another month off work and six months of further recovery. It may well also put the kibbosh on a planned trip to visit the Gilly Mundy Memorial Community School in India next year. On the plus side, it won't be before January, will include the removal of all the metalwork from my arm (so no more Borg jokes) and will mean that I'm no longer in constant pain.

There's little prospect that I'll be back on a bike until June 2011 at the earliest, mind. But at least I'll finally know what the long-term damage is.

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