Tuesday, 24 August 2010

The Return of the Iranian Solidarity Cricket Match

This Sunday sees the return of the annual solidarity cricket match between Hands Off the People of Iran and the Labour Representation Committee in aid of the charity Workers Fund Iran, which is dedicated to raising much-needed funds for the struggles of Iranian workers. Last year's contest, won by HOPI, raised £1500 and this year they are hoping to raise close to two grand.

This year, the match has moved from Walthamstow to Victoria Park in Bethnal Green and starts at noon on Pitch 2, in the north east of the park. You can get to it from the Queens Gate on Victoria Park Road, just up from the Britannia pub. Look out for the banners or find more detailed directions here.

Anyone who is interested in playing can get in contact with Ben at HOPI at ben@hopoi.info or on 07792 282 830. Sadly, the nasty shoulder injury I received after getting hit by a car in March continues to affect my graceful bowling action (!), but I'll be taking photos again this year (see last year's pictures here).

For more information see the Cricket for Iranian Workers website.

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