Thursday 29 July 2010

'Save Wanstead Flats' Campaign Calls Mass Community Picnic

The first meeting of the new 20-strong steering group of the 'Save Wanstead Flats' campaign met tonight at Durning Hall Community Centre and is planning a public meeting in late September. The campaign will be inviting representatives of the City of London Corporation and the Metropolitan Police to provide answers about plans to base an Olympics policing operational base on the Flats in 2012. In order to push this proposal through, the Corporation intends to amend the Epping Forest Act, which has protected Wanstead Flats from development since 1878.

Local people want to know why the proposed site for the police base has been chosen, how that decision was made and why the Olympic stadium site itself cannot be used. There has been no consultation, even though the plans involve locating a fenced, high-security compound – with buildings, parking areas, stables and apparently even police holding cells – for at least 120 days and so close to residential neighbourhoods.

On Sunday 5 September, Save Wanstead Flats is also calling a Mass Community Picnic at 1pm on the spot to the west of Centre Road where the police want to site their base. If you live near Wanstead Flats, come along with food, picnic blankets, your children and your friends and join others to demonstrate the local community's opposition to these plans.

For more information, join the campaign's mailing list by e-mailing or contact Save Wanstead Flats c/o Community Involvement Unit, Durning Hall, Earlham Grove, London E7 9AB

1 Comment:

Ricky said...

This is a great idea to get the entire community together! Not only can they get to know one another but they can also talk about saving the flats!

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