No Charges Over Death Of Ian Tomlinson
So on the fifth anniversary of the execution of Jean Charles de Menezes, the news is as bad as it can be. Having kept the family waiting for so long, the DPP Keir Starmer has decided that there will be no charges brought over the death of Ian Tomlinson. None at all.
Although the DPP has accepted that he was struck by an officer and that there was sufficient evidence to consider the possibility of an assault, the disagreement over medical evidence, one caused by the findings of the pathologist Freddy Patel (who faces GMC disciplinary charges for incompetence in other cases), is the main excuse for doing nothing.
Ian Tomlinson's family are understandably stunned. As I said yesterday, the chances of a positive decision was always likely to be a huge step for reluctant state authorities, but no charges at all when there is video evidence is still a massive insult.
Anyone who can should get down to Scotland Yard for 1pm today to protest against the way the police have got away with killing a member of the public yet again.
UPDATE: above - Jean Charles de Menezes' cousin speaks at the picket in support of the Tomlinsons outside New Scotland Yard (photo: Dan McQuillan)
I offer my sympathies to Ian's family and friends. I am bewildered at todays developments.
It was clear for all to see that Ian was assaulted without provaction.
It may not be provable that he died as a direct result, but the Officer involved should be made an example of.
Best Wishes
Steve Clifton
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