Friday, 4 June 2010

Philosophy Football's Redux Gaza Flotilla T-Shirt

Philosophy Football has brought out a revised Gaza Flotilla t-shirt reflecting the assault on the flotilla covoy on 31 May. They write:

On May 19 Philosophy Football launched our Gaza Flotilla shirt in support of the seaborne relief convoy for the besieged people of Palestine. Our design was of a naval ensign, employing the olive branch of peace but also representing a flotilla of boats heading south to Gaza. We knew the convoy was risky, but we did not predict an unforgivable massacre. We have now updated that original design. The Star of David bullet holes symbolise the dead and wounded civilians shot by Israeli commandos, their numbers yet to be confirmed. Wear this shirt in solidarity, with the flotilla, with Palestine. Profits will be used to support future convoys.

The new design can be ordered from here.

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