Wednesday, 30 June 2010

BP - Licence to Spill

On Monday evening, as celebrations for 20 years of BP 'support' for British Art got underway with a Summer Party at Tate Britain, Liberate Tate disrupted the proceedings inside and out by pouring hundreds of litres of 'oil'(molasses) and scattering thousands of feathers in an 'art performance'. The action follows last month's disruption of Tate Modern's 10th Birthday celebrations, which involved hanging dead fish and birds from dozens of giant black helium balloons.

The Tate Summer Party had been planned to be in the museum gardens and involve speeches from BP executives. However, due to the rumours of disruption, Tate was forced to hold the entire event inside the museum and no speeches were made.

Liberate Tate is a network founded during a workshop in January 2010 on art and activism, commissioned by Tate. When Tate curators tried to censor the workshop from making interventions against Tate sponsors, the incensed participants decided to continue their work together beyond the workshop.

See also this from Harpymarx

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

I personally think there would be more anger at BP, if it not for the way some Americans have behaved.

Many are using the BP spill to attack British people and say stuff like 'lets boycott Britain' 'I would like to p*ss in the Queens fountain'. What did the ordinary British person on the street have anything to do with the oil spill?. The workers on that oil rig were American, but they have sought to blame the British nation. Can't they tell from the accent?

The US Government knew where was a major risk in off-shore drilling, especially in deep water, but they ignored those risks. It is only after such disaster that we learn of major risks.

But I am glad after all the insults from American, that we are still doing our bit to put pressure on BP.

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