Monday, 31 May 2010

Pirates Of The Mediterranean

The BBC reports that up to ten people have been killed and many injured by Israeli commandos who stormed the Turkish passenger ship, Mavi Marmara, which is part of the 'Freedom Flotilla' carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza. The ship was in international waters.

A Free Gaza Movement press release this morning accused the Israelis of "fired directly into the crowd of civilians asleep". The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has said that "this grave incident, which took place in high seas in gross violation of international law, might cause irreversible consequences in our relations".

Inevitably, Israeli propaganda chief Mark Regev claimed on this morning's BBC Radio 4 Today programme that he was "100 per cent" certain that his country's commandos were fired upon, during a "peaceful intervention", by those he accused of "masquerading as human rights activists." He also claimed there were no shortages in Gaza.

The following report by Al-Jazeera includes footage from on board:

An emergency protest has been called by the Stop the War Coalition for 2pm today outside Downing Street.

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