Sunday, 31 January 2010

No Side Effects From Mass Homoeopathic Overdose

At 10:23am yesterday, more than four hundred homoeopathy sceptics nationwide took part in a mass homoeopathic 'overdose' in protest at Boots' continued endorsement and sale of homoeopathic remedies, and to raise public awareness about the fact that homoeopathic remedies have nothing in them.

Last year, Boots admitted that they don't believe homoeopathy works. They said they stock it because "customers believe it works". But these products are not just ineffective, they can also be dangerous. Patients may delay seeking proper medical assistance because they believe homoeopathy can treat their condition. Until recently, the Boots website even went so far as to tell patients that "after taking a homoeopathic medicine your symptoms may become slightly worse," and that this is "a sign that the body's natural energies have started to counteract the illness". Advice such as this directly encourages patients to wait before seeking real medical attention, even when their condition deteriorates.

All participants yesterday appeared to suffer no ill-effects following the 'overdose'. The following video is from Manchester - more here.

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