Friday, 8 January 2010

LAZY FRIDAY - Mrs Robinson

This is in honour of the Democrat Unionist Party's homophobic Iris Robinson MP, who has been revealed to have had a rather handsome ginger toy boy called Kirk McCambley who is forty years her junior, as well as allegations of financial misconduct hanging over her.

This Friday's lunchtime distraction is from Nataly Dawnthe and Jack Conte of the wonderful Pomplamoose.

More on the Robinson story at Splintered Sunrise.

1 Comment:

HarpyMarx said...

It is such a brilliant story.... financial dodgy dealings, sex, and religion. is like a 1980s bonk buster a la Jackie Collins.

But the best bit is the pure hypocrisy, Iris and Peter the perfect straight monogamous couple spewing homophobic bilge. Though you know there has to be something 'ungodly' lurking beneath that 'perfect' facade.
Oh dear Mrs Robinson.....heaven holds a place for those who pray...hey hey hey

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