Monday, 11 January 2010

Climate Camp London Neighbourhood Gathering This Weekend

The Camp for Climate Action London Neighbourhood New Year Gathering takes place this weekend (16/17 January) from 10.30am to 5.30pm at Tottenham Chances, 399 High Road, Tottenham, London N17 6QN (nearest tube: Tottenham Hale/Seven Sisters)

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Discussions include:

  • What was good and what was bad in 2009, from the G20 to Copenhagen?
  • What should the climate justice movement do next - in London, the UK and internationally?
  • What are our goals for 2010?
  • How should we organise to meet them?
  • What should we organise together?
Essential reading for all Climate Campers in the run up to regional gatherings can be found at Criticism without Critique - A Climate Camp Reader (PDF) - a rather pleasant surprise is that it includes a contribution from this blog.

It is also worth checking out the proposals discussion online forum here

Anyone planning on attending the London gathering should confirm by email so there is enough food for everyone. There will be a KidSpace at the gathering to provide childcare for parents who want to participate and a space for kids who want to be there but not in the long meetings. E-mail if you are up for helping facilitate play in the KidSpace - it would be great to have enough people to cover 1 of 4 slots over the weekend each (morning or afternoon) so that people can also take part in discussions.

Followed by London Climate Camp Social, including the Great Postponed Copenhagen Climate Camp Christmas Ceilidh.

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