Tuesday, 3 November 2009

All Roads Lead to Parliament This Guy Fawkes Night

"A desperate disease requires a dangerous remedy." Guy Fawkes

It's interesting to see that the number of protests planned for 5 November is starting to grow.

The first actual protest, Remember 5/11, was announced early, back in May. It calls for a recreation of the closing scene from the film 'V for Vendetta' at 7pm. Earlier in the day, the Old Holborn blog has called for "a walk in the Autumn sunshine" rather than a protest, starting at midday. Now the anarchos have made an announcement on Indymedia of a 'Big Political Party' - with the promise of free alcohol, no less - starting at 8pm at St James Park and converging on Parliament Square.

Expect a serious police presence around the Palace of Westminster on Thursday evening...

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