New Fifty Pence Piece Dumps On Olympics
This is hilarious... a commemorative Olympic 50 pence piece, designed by a nine-year old from Bristol as part of a Blue Peter competition to celebrate the 2012 Games, turns out to have a very different meaning when turned upside down.
The first in a series of Olympic-themed designs, the winner by Florence Jackson was chosen from 17,000 entries and is a drawing of a high jumper. Unfortunately, when turned through 180 degrees, it is tranformed into an athlete straining to defecate into the Olympic logo. As the Londonist notes,
if you don't think that this coin will become a collector's item amongst schoolboys across the country from next year, replacing the time-worn calculator displaying the numbers 58008 as an object of playtime hilarity, then you don't know kids very well.
1 Comment:
Very funny...and also very apt. Kinda sums up the Olympics.
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