Sunday, 27 September 2009

Protest This Tuesday Against More Flights At London City Airport

On Tuesday Sept 29th London City Airport introduces a new business-only service from London to New York. A return ticket cost over £3,000.

By 2030, London City Airport aims to add another 90,000 flights each year to its timetable, including bigger, noisier, jets. How much more do they expect us to take? Newham already suffers from severe air pollution problems, above average levels of asthma and high levels of infant mortality. A huge increase in flights risks making matters even worse.

In a message to supporters, Climate Camp London have said:

If the airport is going to make a load of noise, so are we. On the morning of the first London – New York flight, a group of local people will be gathering outside the entrance to show the airport what it’s like to be disturbed by unwanted noise. We’re bringing pots and pans, trumpets, whistles, horns – anything that makes a racket.
The protest on Tuesday starts at 11.45am outside the London City Airport entrance on Hartmann Road, London E16 2PX.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

At a time when we should be reducing CO2 emissions this government is in favour expanding aviation.

BA have taken a 100 seate aircraft and re-configured for 32 seats with lie-flat beds. Clearly the rich don't think much about their carbon footprint.

The departing New York-bound flight from London City is required to refuel at Shannon Airport because the short runway at London City cannot accommodate an A318 with full fuel. So yet again, it you have a wasteful flight which has to waste fuel to land and take-off.

It also shows that London City Airport, are trying to squeeze more flights out of a site that is unfit for an airport.

The airport is a misery for residents. People did not choose to live beside this airport, btu the airport is expanding beyong its original scope of 30,000 flights!

Do please support the campaign to stop expansion - Fight the Flight is a residents campaign.

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