Sunday, 13 September 2009

I'm Not A Terrorist, I'm An (Amateur) Photographer

Anyone with a camera can be targeted as a potential terrorist on privately owned space, whether amateur or professional, but not yesterday at Canary Wharf at 3pm - there was not a security guard to be seen.

The flashmob organised by the 'I’m a Photographer Not a Terrorist' was great fun, rather surreal and very British. It was by far the quietest protest I have ever attended and certainly had the smallest placards ever. The turnout was great for the middle of a Saturday afternoon, though, with a mix of amateur and professional photographers watched by some very, very bewildered tourists.

More of my (amateurish) photos are online at Flickr.


HarpyMarx said...

Wished I'd gone now as the 'I'm a Photographer Not a Terrorist' event outside New Scotland Yard earlier this year was fantastic. Great day. Also, the anti-fascist walk sounds really good as well.

HarpyMarx said...

Btw: Meant to say, your pix are great both on your blog and Flickr.

Kevin said...

The flashmob was daft, but actually really good fun and really friendly - how many times do most of us ever go on protests and end up chatting to a load of other protesters (and to the bemused Ghanaian couple who were just passing by)?

As for my photos, well what can I say but... [blushes] thank you!

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