Underground Adventures in the Arms and Torture Trade
Visit the website of the Florida-based defence company Kejo Ltd and the title of the comedian Mark Thomas' book, 'As Used on the Famous Nelson Mandela' becomes clear. Amazingly it's true - they actually advertise heavy-duty leg-irons in this way, as used by one of the most vile regimes on the world's most famous political prisoner.
These and other eye-opening revelations about the arms and torture trades can be found in Mark's excellent account of infiltrating the Excel Centre for the DSEi arms fair, helping school children set up arms companies to expose the loopholes in the import of torture equipment and other magnificent mischief-making.
Mark will be speaking on Wednesday 19 July at 7pm at Stratford Circus, Theatre Square E15.
Tickets costing £3 are still available from Newham Bookshop - call 020 8552 9993 or e-mail info@newhambooks.co.uk
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