Friday, 9 September 2005

Take Action Against the DSEi Arms Fair

10 - 14 September, Custom House E16

Local protests against the DSEi Arms Fair at the ExCel Centre in Custom House include:

Saturday 10 September
- Musical protest
2-4pm outside ExCel Centre, Custom House DLR station. Organised by East London Against the Arms Fair.

Saturday 10 September
- Beat the Bombers, Party for Peace
Meet 1pm outside Royal Albert DLR station. Phone 07 903 812 190 or see Disarm Trade website

Monday 12 September - Silent Candle Light Procession

6.30pm, Tidal Basin Road, next to ExCel Centre (Royal Victoria DLR station). Organised by local churches in east London.

Tuesday 13 September -
Mass demonstration against DSEi arms fair.
Assemble 12noon, East Ham Central Park and march to the ExCel Centre. Organised by Campaign Against the Arms Trade

Tuesday 13 September - Diaper DSEi Baby Bloc

11am Custom House Station. Protest for parents and children.

Wednesday 14 September - Destroy the Arms Trade Day of Action

Blockade of the ExCeL Centre by road and rail. Mass public action: occupy Custom House station, 11am sharp! See Destroy DSEi website

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