Wednesday, 21 September 2005

Olympic Scratch Cards Raise £2m in Two Months - Target Should be Reached by December 2067

The BBC has an item on its website today about the announcement that since July, more than £2 million has been raised through Lottery Scratch Cards towards a £750 million National Lottery target to help fund the 2012 Olympics.

Dianne Thompson, chief executive of lottery operator Camelot, is quoted as saying "sales are well over £1m a week and £2m has already been raised towards the £750m - £2m down and £748m to go".

A million quid a month sounds impressive, until you get out a calculator and work out that at that rate, it will take 62.5 years to raise £750 million.

The only way that the Lottery can possibly reach its target is to raid funds that would usually go towards 'good causes', meaning it will be voluntary groups and community projects that will suffer.

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